On harleytherapy.com, we've tried to make it as easy as possible to find the best therapist for your individual needs.
Using the search filters on our main search page here, you can narrow down the most suitable options by entering the issues you are seeking help with, session type, location, availability, budget, type of therapy, languages spoken etc.
You can then browse through the available therapists' profiles, read the information they have shared, watch their profile videos, and check what they can help with, before choosing a slot for your initial session with the therapist you feel could be the best match. We have an article here about booking an initial session.
Ultimately, there is no way to know for sure if a therapist is the perfect fit other than meeting with them for sessions, but we are committed to helping you find the best support for your needs, so if after your first session you don’t feel that the therapist is a great match, we can cover the cost of an inital session with another therapist of your choice. You can read more about our guarantee here.