Our Terms & Conditions for Therapists can be found here, and note under the Therapist Obligations section that meeting with Harley Therapy clients off-platform (booking sessions or processing payments outside of the Harley Therapy Platform) can lead to a therapist's profile being suspended or permanently closed.
We have intentionally kept our ongoing commission fee low to encourage therapists to stay on our platform. We handle credit card processing, ensuring you are paid for all sessions, and our platform makes things easier for you, with our one-click rebooking tool saving you time wasted on phone calls, emails and chasing invoices.
If a client who has not yet booked sessions via Harley Therapy contacts you directly, even if they saw your details first on the platform, this is not considered to be a conflict of interest and would not result in your account being suspended or closed. To take advantage of the auto-payments facility and practice management platform with 1-click rebooking, we would still recommend bringing these clients onto the platform, which has the added bonus of boosting your profile stats, and potentially where you appear in client searches. You can do this by sending an invite (instructions here).