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What are my privacy obligations?

Protecting client's personal information and data

Iain avatar
Written by Iain
Updated over a week ago

As a Harley therapist, you must commit to taking all reasonable precautions at all times to safeguard information relating to your clients and our company. This includes complying with all requirements set out by your accrediting body and all current UK Data Protection Legislation. You are required to ensure you keep yourself up to date on any changes to these requirements or the relevant legislation. 

Our full Terms & Conditions for Therapists can be found here. The Terms & Conditions include a section titled Client Data which note your full obligations as a data processor for Client personal data (including special categories of personal data), and as a data controller for any personal data collected off-platform, such as your session notes.

Please ensure you have read and fully understood the Terms & Conditions prior to working with any clients via the Harley Therapy Platform. 

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