Can an organisation or therapy practice join Harley Therapy?
Can I join Harley Therapy as a trainee therapist?
Can I still maintain my private practice and be a Harley therapist?
Do clients tend to book for ongoing sessions?
Does Harley Therapy offer room rental?
Do I have to offer online therapy to be a Harley therapist?
How do Clients find and book with a Therapist?
How will the platform improve my practice?
What elements do I need in place to register with your platform?
What is the required investment to list my practice on your platform?
What sort of clients does Harley Therapy attract?
Is Harley Therapy a good fit for me as a Therapist?
How does Harley Therapy use my information?
Terms and conditions for therapists
What are my privacy obligations?
What are the standards I must adhere to should I choose to be a Harley therapist?
What could result in Harley Therapy removing a therapist from their site?
What happens if a therapist breaks a part of their contractual agreement with Harley Therapy?