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How to improve my therapist profile

6 simple ways to make your therapist profile stand out from the crowd

Iain avatar
Written by Iain
Updated over a week ago

1. Your first sentence matters!

Lots of visitors view the site on mobile phones. This means that they only see approximately the first 75 characters of your profile description before clicking on your profile, like this:

We suggest that you do not repeat information already on your therapist profile card, such as your name, in your first sentence. Instead, relevant information such as your qualifications, how you work, the approach you take or any specialisms you have is more relevant for visitors.

2. More is more!

Therapists whose profiles include clear, understandable information about their approach, experience, values, ways of working, and specialisms provide visitors with more information to make their first step into starting therapy. 

A lot of our visitors have not decided what type of therapy they need or how to describe what they would like to focus on.

With this in mind, it can be helpful to split your profile into paragraphs using headings or to add further information to your profile that might be helpful for your clients to know. Don't be afraid to add your qualifications in your biography either. For example:

  1. My approach

  2. My experience and specialisms

  3. My ways of working and values

  4. My qualifications

  5. My further study

3. A picture tells a thousand words

A clear, quality photo makes a profile stand out from the crowd. Many visitors will use your photo as the way they make their first decision about whether they'd like to find out more about you and your approach. Therefore, therapists who have chosen a well lit, professional photo on a light background are more likely to receive bookings. 

Photos should be at least 1MB and less than 5MB in size, without shadows, reflections or other objects. For help resizing photos, you can use online free tools such as 

4. Availability

Many visitors search for therapy sessions starting within 48 hours. Popular times for sessions are Monday-Thursday at 8am-9am and 5pm-9pm, and on weekends from 10am to 12pm.

Availability influences where therapist profiles appear in search results - many visitors filter search results by the therapist with the next available appointment. 

To find out more about the order profiles are listed in, read our help page here.

5. Therapist badges

Important! Therapist badges reflect important factors - including the time it takes for therapists to confirm new bookings and how often therapists cancel their new appointments. Badges are used by clients to inform their therapist choice.

Therapists receive profile badges based on important insights like how often they are not available at the time they have advertised on the platform, how many sessions experience they have, how often clients return for a second session and more. Profiles with badges are more often recommended to new clients.

You can find out more about therapist badges here and more about our therapist ranking algorithm here.

6. Proofread your profile

In much the same way that your practice room is a reflection of the care you take towards your clients, your profile is the first impression that visitors have of prospective therapists. Spelling and grammar mistakes affect therapist bookings.

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