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Offering therapy sessions to your employees

Creating authorisations and how employees can access their sessions

Sophie-Claire avatar
Written by Sophie-Claire
Updated over a week ago

First, register your Organisation in less than five minutes. You can find information on how to do this here.

Before registering your organisation, please contact the team via the live chat or by emailing [email protected], to confirm if PAYG is the best option for you.

From your Organisation's Portal you will be able to create authorisations for therapy sessions, update your Organisation's settings and payment methods and contact the Harley Therapy team if you need any advice or support :

Create Authorisations for Therapy Sessions

The first step of offering sessions to members of your Organisation is to create an authorisation. An authorisation allows you to decide how many sessions you wish to offer, who the sessions should be offered to and to how many employees.

Click on the Pay As You Go Therapy option in your Portal, and then click on the Create tab :

The next page will explain a little about how Authorisations work. If you click Start Here you will be guided through the steps to create your first Authorisation :

The next step is to decide on the session coverage you wish to offer. There are a few different options :

  • The First relationship option allows you to offer sessions to members of your Organisation who have not previously booked a therapist via Harley Therapy.

  • The Existing relationship option allows you to offer sessions to members of your Organisation who may have paid for their own sessions via Harley Therapy previously, or to offer further sessions to an Organisation member if they want to continue meeting with a therapist they have previously used an authorisation to book sessions with.

  • The New Relationship option allows you to offer sessions to members of your team who have previously met with a therapist on Harley Therapy, but would now like to meet with a different therapist for further sessions.

Authorisations for First Relationships

In the example below we’re going to create an Authorisation for a First relationship, as this will likely be your starting point for offering sessions, but the process of creating an authorisation is the same regardless of the session coverage you choose.

Once you’ve selected First relationship and clicked Next, you will be able to decide how many sessions you wish to cover, and how many members of your Organisation (Users) you would like to offer sessions to.

In the example below, the Authorisation is being set up to offer up to 7 sessions to 5 users, but you could also choose the Unlimited users option which can be useful for large organisations where you are not sure how many members of the organisation will want to start sessions.

The last step is to add the payment details for the company credit card you wish to be charged. Only you (and any Administrators who are given access) will be able to view the card details and update these if needed.

Sharing the Authorisation

If you have decided to share access to the Portal with all members of your organisation, you will just need to share the link to your Portal so they can book their sessions. We'd recommend also sharing this article which explains the steps that members of your organisation would need to follow to access therapy sessions.

Alternatively, if your employees do not have access to the Portal, click on Create Invite and then copy the text that appears into an email to send to the member of the organisation you wish to share the invite with :

Redeeming an Invite

We have an article for organisation members here that explains how the booking process works for them.

If they have access to the Portal, organisation members will just need to log in, and then click on the link to Find & Book a Therapist. The payment page when booking a session will automatically show that the session will be paid for by the Organisation.

If they have been sent an invite link, the organisation member will need to click on the link to log in, enter the Invite code sent to them and then click Redeem Now:

Once redeemed, they will be able to click on the link to Find & Book a Therapist which will take them to our Therapist Search page. Our search page makes it easy for members of your organisation to find and choose a therapist that suits their individual needs.

Using the search filters, they will be able to enter the issues they would like help with; specify the days and times that work best for them; choose a location if looking to meet with a therapist in person, or choose one of the video or phone options. Other filters include the type of therapy, the gender of the therapist, preferred language etc.

To book a therapist, all the user will need to do is choose the location they prefer, and then select a date and time that works for them. Once they click Book Session, they will be taken through the rest of the booking process step-by-step, and a voucher will automatically be attached to cover the payment.

All that’s left to do is click Book Now, sit back and wait for their session to be confirmed by their new therapist!

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