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How do I remove a location from my availability?
Sophie-Claire avatar
Written by Sophie-Claire
Updated over 7 months ago

There are a few different options depending on what you are looking to do.

Removing a location from a day or time 

You can use this option if you want to stop offering sessions at a particular location at a specific time or on a certain day. This change will only affect the working time you edit, and not any other times when you are available at this location. 


You can update this in your Calendar by clicking on the relevant working time and clicking on the pencil icon to edit. You can then untick the location tickbox at the top of the pop-up : 

Removing a location from your availability for new client bookings

You should use this option if you will be temporarily unavailable at a particular location, or if you want to stop offering availability to new clients at a particular location but still want to continue to book follow-up sessions for existing clients there. 

You can update this in the Locations section of your Profile by clicking on the relevant location, clicking on the 3 dots in the pop-up, and then selecting the option to remove from all working times : 

Fully deleting a location

If you will no longer be available at all at a particular location, and will not be working there in the future with new and existing clients, then you can go to the Locations section of your Profile and click the dustbin icon to delete the location completely : 

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