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Can I talk to the therapist I’m interested in before my first session?
Can I book an appointment for a loved one?
What hours are therapists available?
Can I use your service if I am not located in the UK?
How is your service different to other online booking sites?
Can I use my health insurance plan to pay for my sessions?
I want to know more about your company, where do I find that information?
Are you covered by the NHS?
Do you offer therapy for couples as well?
I want to talk to someone over the phone about signing up, can I do that?
How do I book an appointment?
Can I have a free trial?
Do you offer special rates for students, the unemployed, or OAPs?
Can I book just one session?
Once I sign up, will I always be working with the same therapist?
Can I call my therapist in between sessions?
How do I book a follow-up session?
Can I leave a review for my Therapist?
Where can I find my Self-Assessment questionnaire?
How do I contact my therapist?
Can I record my sessions?
Can I do my sessions over the phone or do I have to be at a computer?
What if I want to complain about your service?
What if the therapist I want isn’t available?
Is online therapy really as good as in-person therapy?
Should I start online therapy?
How do I know if I need therapy?
What sort of people seek therapy?
Can therapy really change my life?
What happens in a therapy session?
What issues can I bring to a therapy session?
What are the different types of therapy?
How can I tell what type of therapy I need?
What types of therapy are most popular?
What if I have no idea what type of therapy might be relevant or find it all a bit confusing?
How long is it normal to be in therapy for?
Why does therapy cost so much?
Why does therapy have to be every week?